Featured Streamer RoxieRevonae

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: RoxieRevonae The frick is this nonsense. Right, uh… gotta think of something quick. … I know. I’m a failure. Ehm. I mean. Ahahahah… act cool, act smart, act fake as fuck so people with like you… right… you can do this roxie… i believe in you… eheheh… fuck. AH HELL NO, I AIN’T ABOUT THAT SHIT. This is the REAL DEAL. But really though, I’m Roxie (she/her, trans girl, but I’m super chill about it) and I’m a filthy, heathenous know-it-all smartass that thinks …

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Featured Streamer Helldweller_

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: Helldweller_ Name: Helldweller Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/Helldweller_ Age: 33 Marital status: married Children: 1 daughter Hi all I am Helldweller and I am a married 33 year old guy with a daughter. I stream on Twitch, I got into streaming through watching some of my favourite streamers like Hybrid Panda and true talent so I gave it a go and I’ve loved it ever since also it’s a big help for my confidence because before I started. I used to suffer bad with mental health …

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Featured Streamer kinjimo324

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: Kinjimo324 I am an up and coming streamer trying to reach milestones and possibly make streaming a full time thing! I have all consoles and want to get tons of fans, any help towards that is much appreciated. My streaming times are currently hectic since i work overnight, but i will be making a schedule. I play a lot of games since i own all platforms. I started streaming about 2 years ago and have been going since. I get very loud and have …

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Featured Streamer drsapphire

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: DrSapphire Hey guys, I’m Josh aka Dr Sapphire Site [REDACTED] Admin and member of the Foundation (If you are a horror fan be sure to check out the SCP Foundation amazing reads from talented writers.) I am a Magic The Gathering streamer who streams daily playing MTG and maybe even raging at it with all my love and hate for the game! We have a small but growing community of wonderful people from all walks of life. I’m 37 almost 38 years old…lordy where …

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Featured Streamer AdmiralMaul

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: AdmiralMaul Hi, I’m Stefan, but online my name is AdmiralMaul, I’ve actually used this name for a long time. When I and my friend came up with it, we thought of a light side Darth Maul as an Admiral in Starfleet. And we’ve used it as one of my nicknames forever and I’ve used it as most of my tags. I started streaming around June 2019, but it didn’t really kick into gear until mid-August of 2019. I honestly wanted to start streaming so …

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