Featured Streamer TVantenna

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring:



I am TVantenna, but you can just call me TV. I am currently 31 years old and identify as a male human being.

I am generally a Mario streamer, Sonic streamer, a sports streamer and a weather streamer. I also stream games that you didn’t know exist or games that you have forgotten existed. On a typical week, I stream 3-5 times a week. Sometimes, I will do special things on streams as well, like celebrating a public figure’s anniversary or birthday by playing games with their name on it. Furthermore, I wish to take people on a stroll down memory lane by sharing games with them that I grew up with.

Whenever, I am not streaming on Twitch, I love going to church, keeping an eye on the weather, raising severe weather awareness in an effort to better prepare people for future weather events, fixing tacos, writing books to publish to Amazon via Kindle Direct Publishing, working my two jobs and watching TV shows, movies and YouTube videos. There is a rumor floating around that I hydrate streamers on Twitch on a regular basis.

The main person I have to thank for helping me prime to stream on Twitch is my younger brother, bluehatguymark, whom is also a Twitch streamer. He helped get me set up with Stream Elements and Twitch so I could bring joy to people and give people a front row seat to my childhood and the games I love to play.

You can find TVantenna also at: Twitch | Twitter | Instagram | YOUTUBE

Watch live video from TVantenna

Watch live video from tvantenna on Twitch