Featured Streamer Horror_Historian

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: Horror_Historian I am Adam, the Horror Historian. Lately I’ve been answering to just H, even my irl friends have started to call me that at this point.My good friend Scrubhime was the person who got me into streaming, I’ve been on the platform for about 3 years now. Currently a member of both of the Safe Space and PH16 stream teams. I’m a variety horror streamer, playing everything from Nintendo/famicom era to modern gaming. I use a variety of consoles as well as using …

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How to Get Partner with Twitch Shipbroman Edition

Greetings everyone. Here you will see my tips and tricks how to get partner with Twitch like how i got it. All what i was doing and still doing. Step 1 – Become Part of Streamer Communities and Help Support Join communities with streamers and get to know each other. Get friends. Here are also some communities I recommend joining: DragonBlogger – https://discord.gg/USCU5ek Secret Syndicate – https://discord.gg/x98yqKG Support force – https://discord.gg/supportforce Cybercorp http://cybercorp.club/ Team B42 https://discord.gg/Zs66zEW Binxtv https://discord.gg/eY8kbyv Lurkforce https://discord.gg/lurkforce Step 2 – Support Other Streamers Follow them, lurk, watch, chat and host each other to show them love and …

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Streamers Spotlight: FREAKIN_POPO

So another just really nice guy I ran into a few weeks back while supporting various Team B42 streamers was FREAKIN_POPO and I happened to visit him during his birthday stream where he was all dressed up on his birthday stream.  I enjoyed how he interacted with viewers and his fun little police themed gifs and stingers that played throughout his stream.  He was very friendly toward his audience and super supportive of others in the community, I see him raid and visit other channels frequently and bump into him on other people’s streams as well.  So here is an …

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Streamer Spotlight: Cabalette

So when I started Twitch streaming one of the very first people I ran into when starting my networking journey was Cabelette and I first learned about Team B42 from her.  What I found most engaging about Cabalette is her incredibly supportive and helpful nature toward other streamers, she often lead Team B42 raids and she was so supportive at encouraging raiders to give extra time and attention to people who hadn’t reached Twitch Affiliate yet by leaving tabs open, answers any questions open and honestly and is completely transparent when talking with viewers.  The other thing is her EXTREME …

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Featured Streamer: Shipbroman

Though I am still doing weekly group interviews with streamers it has been a while since I did a full page interview with a streamer and this time I am excited to showcase Shipbroman to everyone.  Shipbroman honestly is one of the most supportive streamers I have ever met, not only does he have over a million views on his Twitch channel and stream a consistent schedule but he takes the time to actually participate in the various streaming groups and even takes the time to comment on many other streamers discord channels and visit them in their own channels …

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