How to Get Partner with Twitch Shipbroman Edition

Greetings everyone.

Here you will see my tips and tricks how to get partner with Twitch like how i got it. All what i was doing and still doing.

Step 1 – Become Part of Streamer Communities and Help Support

Join communities with streamers and get to know each other. Get friends. Here are also some communities I recommend joining:

Step 2 – Support Other Streamers

Follow them, lurk, watch, chat and host each other to show them love and also connect more with them and have interest in their lives.

Step 3 – Market and Advertiser Yourself

Do good advertising of yourself. Advertise what you are offering on your channel, why should people watch you, what they get, when are you streaming, what are you streaming.

Step 4 – Use Free Traffic Exchange and Advertising Sites

Use some free business advertising websites like traffic exchanges where you visit other people sites and get credits there with which you purchase advertising for yourself to get traffic. Just remember to start those campaigns when you start streams so you get viewers and hope they will have interest in you and stay.

Step 5 – Run Giveaways

Do giveaways when you can and if you are able. Have giveaways and stuff in them what people mostly like you get such as games and giftcards mostly or ingame items. The best site and my partner for giveaways is

Step 6 – Keep a Stream Schedule

Stream on schedule when you have it always so people know when to come and watch you which are following you. Be entertaining for them and be respectful. Show them that they are welcome on your channel and have interest in them. Ask them how is they day, how you can help them feel better.  DragonBloggers even uses a Google Calendar with a stream schedule since they have multiple streamers.

Step 7 – Have Good Moderators

Have good quality moderators in your channel who are loyal to you and award them too. Also show more love to your loyal viewers and chatters with getting them be VIP or mods if they want.

Step 8 – Use Channel Loyalty Rewards

Put funny channel points rewards so your viewers could have more fun on your channel so they will stay longer with you when they like you. Show them that you are their leader and act like that as we are teached to follow the leader before in our childhood.

Step 9 – Find Brands to Partner With

When you get wide audience, then also brands will notice it and will offer you partnerships if they like you. And to get some brands attention like me then you need to advertise on business promotion sites where they advertise so they could see you and everyone else outside of Twitch.

Step 10 – Grow and Leverage Your Social Media

Utilize your social media sites to promote your channel there. Join Facebook groups, use Instagram to post videos and your streams, Twitter and great to network as is Linkedin social media.  Do that funny Tik-Tok video thing for your stream, be creative, and remember images and video do better at drawing attention than plain text alone.
I hope these tips and tricks will help you get more audience to you.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask us.
Best regards,
Shipbroman Twitch partner