Featured Streamer WinsomePigeon

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today this feature was actually submitted by a fan who wanted to show some appreciation for her.



This is not for me but for a very nice woman WinsomePigeon whose real name is Jessica and she has helped promote my own stream by doing little raids on my stream. She is a mom and loves to game and drink. Mostly she plays Valorant but does do other games like Fortnite and Fall Guys. She enjoys playing with her friends and just have a good time joking around in matches. Not only that but she takes time out to try and talk with those who chat with her in her streams. She even allows for invites if there is room in the games to have them. Her channel has been alive for almost a year, starting in November 2019 and grown to a comfortable 195 followers. An advocate for helping others grow as well, she is in several discord groups aimed towards that achievement. Her immediate goals is a path towards Twitch Affiliate while meeting new friends and enjoying the gaming community along the way.  She deserves to be noticed and I encourage you to visit and check her out!

You can find WinsomePigeon also at: Twitch | Twitter

Watch live video from WinsomePigeon on Twitch