Featured Streamer jordzyttv

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring:



Hi I’m Jordzy from JordzyTTV, which is short for Robert Steinberg (just kidding). I have been streaming for more than a year now and I have been through many high and lows as a streamer, all because I love the interaction of my viewers and the community and that I get to share my gaming journey with them too.

I have been a variety streamer where I do play games that fit my personality and passion while trying out new games that have been requested or peaked my interest. Currently I have been set into a new epic journey of Final Fantasy XIV, where I’m just so addicted to it and I really want to catch up with the amazing story.

I’m using a balanced schedule where I stream at least 4/5 days a week where you can check out my Twitch channel. I really hope that my streaming content is enjoyable and that you have a good and chill time on my channel.


You can find jordzyttv also at: Twitch | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Watch live video from jordzyttv on Twitch