Featured Streamer gamer4fun2u

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring: gamer4fun2u Hi there, I’m Cristian from www.gamer4fun2u.com, and I have a Twitch/YouTube gaming channel, that you can check out here: https://www.twitch.tv/gamer4fun2u. I stream/let’s play content on a daily basis for the last 2 years. My channel is actively growing and I’ve recently hit 4,300 followers (Twitch) and have 40-70 average viewers. Also, have an active discord community and website. 42 years old gamer. I’m from Romania but live in London. Married…..2 kids:) I like all sorts of video games(except BR)……..and…play because…..i’m a gamer 🙂 …

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