Featured Streamer supermario0004

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring:



Been a Streamer for 6 years. i am French Canadian Love to Play Retro been a gamer ever since i started at the arcade. Then i played the atari then playstation plastation 2 Playstation 3 Playstation 4 playstation 5 xbox gamecube super nintedo N64 Wii and manny more platformes.Love Game to todays Game too.Love to Chat and co-op with the Fam.Always Ready To Help!Love to be partner one day so i can help all the small streamers to succeed.most of my favorite games are Zelda,Final Fantasy Super Mario Banjo kazouiie The legend of Dragoon The legend of Lagaia God of War Devil may cry Dead by daylight 7 days to die Cod Zombies Uno Monopolly Xenosaga Overwatch Just Dance Clone hero Rock band Grand theirf auto racing games Resiedent evil games so many more game to play and try out!I i get distracted very easy to cuz i love to Just sit back and enjoy the company!

You can find supermario0004 also at: Twitch | Twitter | Instagram | | https://www.tiktok.com/@supermario0004?lang=en

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