Featured Streamer ImRizza

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring:



I am Rizz! I am a HUGE TR (Tomb Raider) fan who loves RPG games or anything that provokes a challenge or a grind. In my first year of stream I have completed over TEN challenge runs that consist of no healing and no dying. I have also started my speedrun journey but still in the beginning stages. I was able to make an appearance on GDQ and complete Tomb Raider 1 in just a little over 2hrs which was my FIRST LEGIT run, which was absolutely amazing! I am also the FIRST and ONLY FEMALE IN THE WORLD to complete Tomb Raider 2 No Loads No Meds All Secrets and Pistols Only!! I love doing challenge runs or playing games and making a challenge out of it! Would love to connect and meet more and more people out there through the gaming world!! I’m a momma and I would love to inspire other mommas out there to do do what they love most!

You can find ImRizza also at: Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Watch live video from ImRizza

Watch live video from imrizza on Twitch