Featured Streamer Kratzy76au

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring:



I’m a 44 Australian residents in North Queensland at home town Charters Towers. I’m a variety streamer, creative been affiliated since April 2018 with twitch and I’m a full time charity streamer an make twitch community an enjoyable experience for everyone. Love making content, to entertain.

How long have you been streaming? Three years from kicking of console and now on pc or using Elgato.
– What’re your games of choice? Open world, solos RPG, I’m an Assassins Creed fan, Plus I’m a variety streamer and charity streamer
– What platforms do you game on? pc, switch, iPad for creative, Xbox and PS4
– What are you struggling with? Get right support and giveaways as become a charity streamer full time And how can we help? Support and networking with brands
– What are your links? https://linktr.ee/waynekratzmann and twitter https://twitter.com/kratzy76au).
Some familiar games you see in my streams are Assassins Creed Valhalla , Dead by daylight and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.

You can find Kratzy76au also at: Twitch | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | https://kratzy76au.com/ | TikTok

Watch live video from kratzy76au on Twitch