Featured Streamer KCisSICKnasty

We have someone new and special to feature today on FeatureMyStream.com and today we are featuring:



I’m KC. (: I stream on Twitch. I try to focus on games I’ve missed out on from my childhood because I was poor. Every Wednesday, I play Minecraft and every Thursday, I play Dungeons & Dragons. Monday I devote to playing multiplayer games, preferably with viewers. Every other day of the week, I’m playing something random. Weekdays I play at night, and weekends I’m usually on around noon. I’ve wanted to do gaming videos since the old days of YouTube, but never could financially start. Decided to make Twitch my home, and have been trying to make something out of it. It’s been a climb, but I’m dedicated to organically gaining viewers and chatting with people. 😀 Few games I’ve been trying to complete lately are Psychonauts, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and if I ever get back around to it, the OG FF7. Well, that’s pretty much it. You can learn more about me on stream. ;D

You can find KCisSICKnasty also at: Twitch | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Watch live video from KCisSICKnasty

Watch live video from KCisSICKnasty on Twitch